Religion In The Eye Case Study

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A HISTORICAL AND THEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ORDER OF SAINT DOMINIC IN KENYA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE KISUMU ARCH-DIOCESE A Research Proposal By: Jack Ong’iro Odeo ED/0274/2002 Presented to: Ms. (Dr.) Susan Kurgat Department of Religion and Philosophy Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Maseno University July 2005 Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course ARE: 314 Research Methods A HISTORICAL AND THEOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ORDER OF SAINT DOMINIC IN KENYA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE KISUMU ARCH-DIOCESE Background to the Study Early missionaries arrived in Kenya to spread the good news to the communities. Holistic development of humankind took centre stage in the teachings of missionaries in…show more content…
She looks at the arrival and establishment of mission stations by different denominations. She states that the Catholic Church missionaries arrived in East Africa in the 19th century and established a mission station in Zanzibar. In Kenya, the first permanent mission was set up by the Holy Ghost Fathers in 1891. In development, she looks at the contributions of the church in the field of education where churches have set up institutions of learning e.g. Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Catholic), University of Eastern Africa – Baraton (Seventh Day Adventist), Maseno School (Anglican Church of Kenya). She also looks at how the church has helped in setting up hospitals like the mater hospital (Catholic), Kikuyu Hospital (Presbyterian Church of East Africa) and Bethany Hospital (Africa Inland Church). She does not, however, look at how churches spread to the other parts of the country after the first mission stations were established and neither does she look at how the various missionary and religious orders operating under the Catholic Church started and their operations in Kenya. She basically bases her study on the multi-religious nature that Kenya

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