Importance Of Torture In Malaysia

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LAW REFORM AND TREATIES DIVISION If the law should impose upon the process of ‘growing up’ fixed limits where nature knows only a continuous process, the price would be artificiality and lack of realism in an area where the law must be sensitive to the human development and social change. MONITORING THE STATE IMPLEMENTATION ON INTERNATIONAL TREATIES Convention on the Elimination of All Forms on Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) The Commission would update the issues concerning women’s rights in its future Parallel Report. The Commission reasserted its concern to the Government in expediting submission of the State Report. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) The Commission was invited to the Sesi Pemurnian Laporan Negara:…show more content…
Appropriate ways and guidance on the implementation are necessary as the Malaysian still attached to the traditional ways of child disciplining. Thus, all stakeholders should consider the best practices that could be implemented to ensure that the methods used in disciplining children could be adapted and do not amount to the cruel treatment; Rehabilitation would be the best method to be implemented by the Government as carrying out of the corporal punishment may provide the negative impacts on the children. The participants agreed that the concept of rehabilitation whether using the diversion and restorative justice. Rehabilitation would teach the children in being responsible for the mistakes committed; Rewarding the children for their good behaviour would assist and encourage them to change their…show more content…
It was recommended that, any amendment of laws should reflect the spirit of CRC and the relevant agencies should reviews the current laws and legislations, for example, in term of age of criminal responsibility and the act of whipping; The scope of section 17(2) of the Child Act should be expanded including any form of physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children. The participants reiterated that a specific provision should be included to state that the Child Act would supersede other laws where children are being more concerned;

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