Personality Theory Of Personality

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One of the issues in personality psychology is the argument between the perspectives of first person (subjective) or third person (objective) into account in understanding personality. Mayer & Korogodsky (2011) argued that reputation is not part of personality itself; rather it is outside of the person because it is interpreted or created by someone else. In its model, personality is positioned inside of the person. Situation and settings is considered to be outside of the person and not part of personality, rather it interacts with personality and other neighboring systems. However, studying personality itself needs a perspective from the third person. Mayer and colleagues did not elaborate this issue. In this framework, social and cultural…show more content…
This framework shows the interaction of personality to its neighboring systems. The idea of adapting the biopsychosocial model is very appealing. Instead of integrating opposing grand theories, they decided to integrate different perspective instead which mainly focuses on social, psychological and environment. Still it did not unify the different perspectives in this discipline. Rather than saying this is a unified framework, this shows more of the influences of each system. Also, the unconscious process was poorly dealt with, it seems like they just put Freud unconscious concept without provide concrete evidences of its existence in this framework. Putting personality in a separate box in inside of the person, it created so much confusion for me. I can say that this framework took more on social-cognitive approach in explaining…show more content…
However, when it comes to understanding personality itself, the idiographic approach was used. Generalization was not the intent of this framework, in particular Mayer & Korogosky (2011) used Mozart’s story in explaining how their model works. The development of personality was barely explained in Personality Systems Framework. The framework focuses on the interaction between the systems and how it changes us or develops us throughout our life span. Even though the biological and nature aspect was recognize in this framework as an interactive systems it did not further elaborate the role of biology in personality. It mainly focuses on the executive parts of the brain that shapes personality, but failed to further discussed genes, temperament and even the adaptation mechanism of the brain. Since this framework was inspired by Engel biopsychosocial model, their framework, the main goal of this framework is to provide a better approach in clinical-intervention by promoting the understanding that personality, social and biological interacts together that may help an
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