Importance Of Introverts

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Another issue with introverts is their tendency to speak slowly and not project more emotions during speech. In other words, introverts are harder to read, which often causes communication to be taken the wrong way. Although the introvert might not be smiling, it does not mean he is cold or sarcastic; it could just mean that he is deep in thought (Daniel). As introverts do not like being the center of attention, acknowledging their good work and respecting their contributions in private is a good motivator. They prefer a quiet word of praise more than having to stand up in front of everybody (Christensen). Furthermore, managers can boost an introvert’s confidence by assigning them tasks requiring meticulous and conscientious work (Teambuilding…show more content…
Employees at Amazon are required to read structured memos before the start of each meeting. The memos provide clarity of purpose and level the playing field for all team members. Writing as a communication medium turns self-discipline and personal reflection into effective meetings and participative decision-making. After reading, the team engages in valuable discourse: reaching shared understandings, digging deeper into data and insights, and having a meaningful debate. It provides introverts the time needed to formulate their thoughts and build up courage to share them. Moreover, it encourages extroverts to listen and become more open to the other’s perspectives. Hence, carefully structuring team meetings can produce good outcomes. It can assure that management can get the best out of the introverts as well as extroverts…show more content…
A good place to start involves having all employees take a behavioral leadership assessment. These assessments issue reports, so introverts can read and process the information easily. Later, the team can discuss the results collectively which appeals to extroverts. Furthermore, this activity allows introverts and extroverts to learn about their personality type. It provides an opportunity for extroverts to group together and have animated discussions, while the introverts can gather and have mellower conversations
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