Personal Narrative: My Mentor

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My mentor is my mom’s best friend she helped with so much when my family needed it and nobody else would help. We met her at my mother’s job she had kids too we were always together. My siblings and I wanted them to come over everyday and we never wanted them to go home. My mom’s Best friend died March,23,2007 we couldn’t believe it really because we saw everyday. My mom quit her job because she couldn’t go there everyday and not think about it . I was devastated because I kind of depended on her to be there because she was just a big help with my mom and the stuff we needed. She played a big role in our family and when she passed everything went left it just wasn’t the same anymore. But we still cherish her till this day we still use some…show more content…
She became my mentor/ one of the most important person in my life because she was there through everything my mother was happier around her. We all loved her like a mom. I remember I told on her to somebody and I wasn’t supposed to tell I cried so hard because I felt so bad I told on my mom she was nothing but nice. She told me it was okay but felt like I was hurting her feelings. She took me and my siblings and her kids out and I still felt bad so as the young child I was I made her cards saying I was sorry. As i got older she still had them. I soon recovered from that but then later my mom found out she had cancer. My mom didn’t tell us we didn’t find out until she died. My godsisters and god brother’s didn’t know either. We didn’t go to school that day either my mom took off and my god mom's husband had to call and tell the job she passed. My mom took us over to there house but she told me not to tell them until there stepdad was ready to tell them. We didn’t tell them until later on that day. The were so sad I cried as hard as they did. There mother had a huge impact on me she treated us as if we were really apart of her household. I remember she asked me “did I you want to go with me and your god sister to get your nails done”’. And I said “yes” but I knew I couldn’t get color on my nails at the age I was like 7,8. She said “okay I’ll call your mom”. I look and said “ well nevermind I just want clear”. I

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