Personal Narrative: My Roller Coaster Ride

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“Which ride do you want to try first,” asks our mom. “Could we go on the water rides,” I ask “It’s getting a bit too cold for those now, don’t you think,” answers my mom. “Lets try this one,” says my brother as he points to a roller coaster on the map. “That looks like a great idea,” says my mom. I thought about how it doesn’t seem like a good idea to me, but not a single word leaves my mouth. We start to walk in the direction of the ride. We near three or four rides one of them being the one we are going on. We are at Hershey Park and the ride is Pioneer Frontier. We get in line. I feel my head whirling around on the inside. I noticed that my hands started to tingle with fear. Moving along for about 4 minutes. Now we are second in line. I had never been on a roller coaster, this will be my first. Looking to my right and left I see my father, brother, mother, and even more people that I don’t even know all happy and ready for the ride. But I’m the youngest one here, I thought again. I am 9, my brother 12 and everyone else at least 16. I close my eyes in dismiss and hope it all just goes away. I take a step, then another. I open my eyes to see my family on it and I’m getting on too. We are getting on the middle cart. I start to feel…show more content…
But not a world leaves my mouth still. The butterflies move a bit faster, but now it's too late. I start moving with the rest of the people on the coaster. But I’m stuck in, the ride is in motion with the bar down. I notice I’m going higher and higher. I try to say something but I loose my worlds as fast as we move down. Faster and faster, I hear the screams of joy all around me but that's the last thing I’m going to do, as I scream in terror. Wizzing past folk on the ground with more than butterflies in my stomach and tingling of my hands moving throughout my whole body now. My arms being pulled back no matter how much strength I try and use, while the rest of me is being pushed against the

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