Personal Narrative: My Life As A Black Woman

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If a black woman operates in wisdom she will understand that her past doesn’t have to dictate her future and that she can move beyond the hurt and disappointment that she has experienced in life. Everyone has experienced some level of disappointment from someone else but many black women have taken this on personally and have stop reaching out in order to avoid rejection. I too have responded this way in various situations without realizing that it was doing more harm than good. We need to understand that we should be cared for, that we have feelings, and we don’t have to be always strong. Again, I believe with my whole heart that black women are the boldest, most beautiful, creative and powerful human beings. Unfortunately, we haven’t fully realized it or fully embraced it yet.…show more content…
Throughout history a great number of black people have grown up in abusive, broken, and poverty homes. When we begin to shift our focus from the pain of our past to the promise of our future, we give ourselves an opportunity to be free of the things that would initially keep us in bondage. I believe that a black woman's upbringing plays a significant role on how she learns to react and adapt to society but I also I also believe that as she grows into her own identity a change should take place in the way she responds to the world around her. In order to do so, we must identify and confront unresolved pain that may have resulted from broken homes, failed relationships or unfulfilled dreams. Most of us are tired, weary, and frustrated because we are carrying a lot emotional baggage from our past. If you are unwilling to deal with these issues, you cannot experience the real fulfillment that life has to

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