How Is Frederick Douglass Effective

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Born into slavery and oppression in the early 1800s, famed statesman and abolitionist Frederick Douglass dedicated his life work to freeing the oppressed while fighting for "freedom and justice for all." Born into an age when teaching slaves to learn to read and write was against the law, Douglass displayed inconceivable courage and incredible literary prowess by penning and publishing his memoir in 1845, the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass: an American Slave. If Douglass' purpose was to expose the cruel atrocities of slavery for the slaves' point of view then he was successful. Throughout the narrative Douglas make several important points over and over. Justice for slaves (and all men of color) is different from justice for whites. Douglass shows strong examples that support this claim…show more content…
At the time it was illegal to teach a man of color slave how to read, as he staying this book on page 20 chapter 6 sentence three: "Just at this point of my progress, Mr. Auld found out what was going on, and at once forbade Mrs. Auld to instruct me further, Telling her, among other things that it was unlawful, as well as unsafe to teach a slave to read." But because Douglass was so determined he did not let the law stop him from learning. In a similar way, black slaves were not allowed to know their age as Douglas states in his book on page one chapter one sentence two: "I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it." Douglas is trying to get the point across that slaves were not allowed to know simple knowledge such as their age, he is stating this because he is trying to show that slaves were not allowed to know anything that gives the knowledge, which was believed to ultimately give them
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