Personal Narrative: My Best Friend In High School

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Nine years. Nine years is how long I have lived here in Belle Plaine, Minnesota. For seven of those years, I have been going to school here. Chatfield, Oak Crest, and next the high school, I have learned a lot here in Belle Plaine. Sometimes I wish I could go back and relive it all over again. Kindergarten was my first year here. Well, besides preschool. It was my first ever time riding a school bus to school, and I was really nervous. I didn't have any friends and I was scared. Luckily for me, there was another girl on the bus who was also in kindergarten. She was nervous too. Her name was Alexia. We were in the same class, and we practically spent that year glued together. Alexia is still one of my best friends today. Our kindergarten…show more content…
Her name was Jessica, and I got a little jealous of her, because everyone really liked her, but I eventually came around to having her as a best friend. My teacher in fourth grade was Ms. Poshkoff. She's Mrs. Schlattman now. She was a really great teacher. Ms. Poshkoff was super nice, she still is, and we did lots of fun things. We read a lot of fun books in reading class, like James and the Giant Peach and the BFG. Fourth grade was also the first time I did the DARE walk/run, and I had never done a 5k before, so I was exhausted by the time I was done. My dad ran it with me, and he always encouraged me to keep…show more content…
Sixth grade has been a great year for me. I went to Wolf Ridge, which was a totally new experience for me. I did things I never thought I would do, like walk a tightrope 30 feet above the ground. My teacher this year is Ms. Miller, though I didn't have her for much of the year since she had a baby boy named Lukah in November. For our substitute when she was gone, our class had Ms. Worm. She was a really nice teacher. I have done a lot of projects in sixth grade. I did a newspaper article, made a roller coaster, created a mobile, drew a cat on a grid, and many more projects like that. This was also my last year of the DARE walk/run, and I enjoyed spending it with my

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