Personal Narrative Analysis

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I have experienced many events throughout my life that would make most students unable to function socially, emotionally, or academically. These events include two divorces, five house relocations, and accumulating anxiety that afflicted my childhood. Most teenagers would have given up here as the disappointment from both their parents and teachers would have destroyed any hope for a successful future. However, the anguish I faced became a catalyst for what would become a significant restructuring in my demeanor towards school and my future. I believe that this new perspective on academics allowed me to show my family and teachers that I am academically competent and able to excel in situations that would likely be impossible for any other teenager. Above all else, these events helped strengthen my ability to adapt to change and overcome challenges that many other students would be unable to deal with.…show more content…
As an energetic and intelligent child, I had plenty of friends and my future seemed bright. This behavior came to a sudden halt when my parents divorced at the age of nine, which led me to go live with my mother in another city of Maryland. My young mind was saturated with questions surrounding the divorce and what was going to happen to me in the future. With these questions racing through my mind, I found myself unable to concentrate in school or at home. As a consequence of this, my parents received a shocking report that indicated that their once academically excelling child was now starting to fall behind in class. The easy-going life that I had been previously living was now thrown away to allow a more arduous lifestyle to take its place. I became determined to find a way to conquer this new lifestyle that threatened my ability to succeed in

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