Aging Cohort Case Study

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Executive Summary: The Medicare aging cohort is expected to grow even larger as more Baby Boomers retire and become dependent on the system. In addition, chronic disease rates are also increasing because of low cure rates and long-term treatment.1 Since in 1900, there has been a steady increase in the median age from 22.9 percent to greater than 37.2 percent today, and it is expected to go as high as 39 percent by the year 2030.2 In 2012, Americans age 65 and older was reckon to be 12.9 percent of the total population, and this aging cohort will increase to 19 percent by the year 2030, which means more than 72.1 million seniors3 will be depending on Medicare Part D for help with their prescription drugs. In 2004, the Associated Press concluded that 1/3rd of every respondent finds paying for prescription drugs to be a problem.4 It is reports like this, coupled with this aging population trend that have patients believing the problem of high prescription drug prices is going to get dire before it gets better.…show more content…
In recent time, much attention is placed on the escalating cost of prescription drugs, and patients on Medicare having to choose whether to go hungry, bankrupt, or not to pay for their regular supply of medication. Americans have a long history of battling the cost of prescription drugs and have fought to change the landscape and maximize the pharmaceutical benefits.5 Since chronic conditions are now the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in America, tradition prescription drug spending has spiked 10 to 20 percent each year from the 1990s through the early 2000s.5 This led advocates to push to make high price specialty drug more manageable and affordable for

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