Personal Narrative

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… and yet I believed she was the one that shot me, time after time again. I never wanted to win a war, I simply wanted peace between us. But she would never allow this, it was all or nothing for her. It started in the very beginning for me, my crusade against photographs. For generations my family has documented everything that happens in our lives album after album stuffed with photos, bookshelf after bookshelf stuffed with albums. Even at age two I absolutely detested the idea of a moment being frozen in time, unable to go any further and then people in sad attempts trying to relive these moments. Others photograph what they love the most, their kids, their pets, I felt that if you truly loved something you would spend time with them and…show more content…
Grampa and I sat on the tailgate old green Chevy Silverado, it was pretty new to us back then. We sat talking until eventually, little 2 year old me, spoke up saying that the pumpkins would not like their photos being taken and being subjected to that kind of torture. We pretended to be upset pumpkins in protest. In all irony my mother came up and took a bunch of photos of us. My grandfather thought it was a hilarious, the two of us pretending to be grumpy pumpkins, my Mom thought that is was funny as well at first, but it became a common thing for me to do to avoid being the subject of her future…show more content…
It may inspire aspirations of returning to those days, but truthfully its just to keep those memories alive. Our lives may be the longest things we will ever do, but it is still far too short. There is nothing wrong with missing the past and cherishing it. Photos are like history books just for us and our lives. Maybe my family wasn't as unjust as I had suspected. Maybe pictures aren't as terrible as I had once thought they were. My last photo is one of me and my friends, we are so ridiculous and immature at times. To be honest, this moment was nothing special, or even of this day, but there it is on my laptop for me to see, reflect on, and remember. It is such a perfect picture, it encompasses our personalities perfectly; Alli making a funny face to catch the attention of our friends and make us laugh, Alexa her hand posed perfectly on her face with her pretty smile and messy hair with her tumblr girl aura, Mychaela front in center I’m sure she was laughing by the look on her face, Sam with her sly appearance, the look in her eye, her faux suave slick look, though I’m sure no one else would label it that, and lastly in the photo me in the back facing sideways independently like “I have better things to do” but my face turned toward the camera almost saying “Yeah, these are my idiot friends, and maybe what I’m doing can be on hold for them, for just a second”. One of my only photos when I was genuinely
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