Conflict In The Communist Manifesto

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and the proletariat were engaged in a constant conflict that has resulted in the repression of the working class in the book The Communist Manifesto (1848) Marx discussed that these two classes, the bourgeoisies have throughout history exploited the proletariat for profit-motives, the bourgeoisies have participated in the formation of the wage-laborer, division of labor and increased de-skilling of labor. For Marx, the economic base is responsible for determining the social structure: including ideology, politics, and religion. As Marx explains “History is dependent on the existence of human beings, who produce their own means of subsistence, and the resulting means of production determines their way of living” (Marx, 1998: 37). In The Communist Manifesto (1988), Marx explains his theory of the revolution based on economic class struggle. Marx claims that communism opposes the power of oppression, the oppression is the effect of class war, and all of history can be analyzed in terms of this class war. Marx described the struggle of the classes as follows: The…show more content…
The first phase is the technological leaps that have been made by the science, secondly the flow of ways of thinking in art and literature. Besides, the rejection of the traditions and values once set by the bygone Victorian age. The intellectual figures and artists started to think more rationally to cope with the new innovations and thoughts of the modern age. There are new ways of assessing the life like the individualistic and the empirical perspectives that attacked hierarchy, race, and class. There is also a preoccupation with inner-self and the consciousness, the disillusionment, and the loss of faith. Meanwhile, in literature, there was a rejection of the ideal hero in favor of the realistically flawed hero like Prufrock. In words of Vanspanckeren in the description of
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