Performance Management Case Study

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1 INTRODUCTION Performance management has long been considered to be one of the strongest method a company can use to ensure that its employee’s activities are still aligned with the organization objectives and goals. This research aims to outline the objectives and discuss the constraints of performance management for the senior management service which is abbreviated as (SMS). Since performance management is a process, the assignment will explain and demonstrate the process of performance management in detail. Furthermore senior management service will be discussed in order to understand the objectives and the constraints faced by this senior management service. Basically every organization has a performance management system that is expected…show more content…
Performance management promotes trust through participation in work planning and on-going discussion, feedback and open appraisal. It results in less duplication of effort and wastage of resources through improved work planning. Performance management provides a comprehensive data source to allow institutional skills development and training needs to be clearly identified and prioritized. It is a cost-effective data source for targeted employee development, recognition and reward programmes. It is a planning and measurement system that allows for qualitative as well as quantitative measurement and that that has a room for changes of direction and priorities throughout the year (Paile, 2012:40). Senior Management…show more content…
The senior management comprises positions from the director upwards to that of the heads of departments (HOD) in the both national and provincial public service departments. This enabled mainly through the amendments of the 2001 public service regulations. As a distinct and deployable pool of scare resource, the senior management service required to be aligned and linked to the various programmes of the public service departments which are significantly, the agents of the developmental state Admin, (2012:380). Amin (2012:380) further add on to say the senior management service constitute the supreme leadership cadre of the South African Public service. Since its establishment its purpose is to lead and direct the service delivery transformatory agenda of the South African Government, within a developmental state
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