Apache Religion Summary

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Apache Religion APA citation: Brant, Charles. (1949). The Cultural Position of the Kiowa-Apache. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 5(1), 56-61. Summary: Speaking on behalf of the many Apache tribes studied, Brant compares the linguistic findings of Apache tribes and their similarities based on social organization data. The resemblances between tribes can be demonstrated by the tales told among Apache tribes in the Southwest, who speak of two heroes, Killer-of-Enemies and Child-of-the-water. These two heroes are worshiped in many Apache tribes facing the same patterns and importance of their heroes mentioned through folktales. These heroes, for instance, link many of the Apache tribes to the Apache of the Southwest based on their beliefs,…show more content…
In the 1880’s, Western Apaches re-established their traditions through All-Indian Rodeos, learning roping, riding, raiding, and herding skills. The physical strength and mental abilities assist these Apaches in equivalent ways as their ancestries rode into tribal wars, making them successful in their battles. Religious rituals were supported before raids or war missions such as special dances and ceremonies with the support of the supernatural. During tribal warfare, the importance of prayer among the Western Apaches was demonstrated. Medicine men were involved and consulted through blessings on the warriors, horses, and weapons for strength and protection. War songs were sung and encouragement by the Apache war chiefs aided the warrior to be brave and alert before going into battle. These traditions are connected to the rituals of Apache cowboys, with the consultation with medicine men and prayer before entering All-Indian Rodeos. Music and tribal flags are carried, and medicine men and priests continue to bless the cowboys, horses, and equipment for the same cause for protection and success. Chavis gives a great reflection of the growth in customs and religious belief through Apache’s transitioning from Apache warriors to Apache cowboys. While practicing the traditional rituals through prayer and songs, the Apache customs live with respect for their…show more content…
The fear and unidentified existence create the Apache to be dependent on spiritual powers, seeking for guidance from their medicine men who play many roles to help aid the tribe. The medicine men hold great importance, as he is the consultant with the spirits and able to predict the success of a tribe and conveys their advised guidance. The medicine men assist in prayer and blessings through dance, acts of prayer (smoking, gibberish, and vocal supplications), and worship. As ghosts are relevant to the Apache ancestors and medicine men can translate for them, the respect is superlative. However, without a medicine man nearby, the Apache tribes look for signs such as acts of nature during specific events to be aware of the presence of spirits around them. Their piety is notable through their acts of ghost worshipping, which involves providing food and festivities for the spirits. Additionally, any wrongdoing of the spirits and lack of Apache worship is believed to cause an act of grief or death within a tribe. Bourke’s analysis provides stories from the tribes to create an

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