Tribal Societies: Mayaans, Aztecs, Incas

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Sebastien Karo B4 APUSH Swenson The Meeting of Cultures 1 - Tribal Societies A population of people under one division who socialize and work with one another. Economies of the societies were mostly based on agriculture. Each tribal society had different rules, laws, and religions but all communities of people in one place were considered a tribal society before Columbus came and many things changed. Examples of tribal societies would have been the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas. These were important because it offered the natives a community to call their own and without these tribal societies people would have just died off because they could not support themselves. Pgs 4-5 2 - Mayans The Mayans were a sophisticated tribal society thousands…show more content…
They had administrative, educational, and medical systems that were almost equal of that the Europeans had at the time. Religion was taken very seriously with the Aztecs and they made thousands of sacrifices to try and please their god/gods. Aztecs were very important because they were an extremely powerful empire with advanced agricultural systems and high power and influence over many. Pgs 4-5 4 - Cahokia - Cahokia was a tribal city in mid-western where St.Louis is today, that had a population of 40,000 and the people made many large earthen mounds. These mounds were used for bases for ceremonial buildings or homes and burials for important people. Pgs 5-6 5 - Subsistence Agriculture Subsistence agriculture is producing enough crop to sustain yourself and your family. This means no exchanging or selling crops to others. The importance of subsistence farming is that it gave families the option on how they wanted to live and survive. Pgs…show more content…
Came up with the doctrine of predestination which stated that god had already planned where each person would go whether it be saved or condemned and that no one could change their pre-determined fate. Pgs 25 20 - Henry VIII A king that broke away from the Catholic Church because the pope would not divorce him and his wife. He then made himself head of the Christian faith in his country, but made few changes and after his death Protestantism remained in doubt. Pgs 25-26 21 - English Reformation A series of events in the colonial period that led to the Church of England to break away from the Catholic Church and also the Pope. Many things contributed to this such as the rise of nationalism and Calvinism which made anxieties within it’s followers to lead a better life. The relevance of the English reformation is that led to more freedom of religion even though it was not ideal at the time for some people. Pgs 25-26 22 - Calvinist Puritans Calvinist Puritans believed that they had a predestined fate and one could not change their fate. They could however try to find themselves and figure out what their fate was whether to be saved or condemned. Followers of Calvinism wanted better, more productive lives Pgs

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