Pearson Speech Analysis

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Pearson Pearson’s speech oversees the importance of future reconciliation and our responsibility as a nation “for the present and the future, and the past.” In discussing the past, Pearson creates a division between “ordinary Australians” and Aboriginal Australians by consistently using second person diction “they will say” and “you have taken from us not just our land.” as it is important to highlight the areas of discourse and identify sources of conflict. Pearson then uses binary opposition to successfully relate the “shameful aspect of our past” to “the prideful bits” – particularly “the heroic deeds at Gallipoli and Kokoda.” These historical allusions create positivity in Pearson’s argument as he delineates that if Australians can take…show more content…
In the wake of the Mabo and Wik decisions, there was a feeling among Australians that equality had been achieved and Aboriginals should “move on”. Pearson challenges this perspective, quoting Indigenous rights activist William Cooper, “The taking of rightful belongings had not yet ceased…Will you, by your apathy, tacitly admit that you don’t care?” The rhetorical plea serves to arouse emotions of empathy, while the fact that the issues denied in 1938 remain virtually unchanged today adds to the feeling of inequality thus challenging the audience’s perspective that the issue had been resolved. He argues that this flaw is directly related to the problems facing Indigenous people and must its rectification is a matter of urgency. To prove his point, Pearson uses accumulation of short sentences which capture audience attention in a satire of newspaper headlines as well as alliteration. “Black Armbands. Guilt Industry. Political Correctness. Aboriginal Industry. These are lines that resonate. They work on evening news grabs. So we end up with this brain damaged dialogue between politicians and punters passing for free speech and public debate.” He uses ethos to point out that this “tabloid free speech” has become an inferior replacement for true free expression. By challenging audiences to see the issues facing Aboriginals in a compassionate…show more content…
Deane paid homage to the dead and uses inclusive language in his speech in “We pray with them for their loved ones” to speak on behalf of Australia and lend credence to the condolences he delivers. His repetitions of pray in “the prayers of all of us” and “we also pray” emphasizes the consoling power of the speech, befitting its ecumenical nature. This is used hand in hand with Deane’s biblical allusions “May they all rest with God.” The biblical allusions give religious and spiritual comfort to listeners, however it is possible that, whilst suited to the religious service, the specifically Christian allusions are less effective to the Australians who do not follow the particular faith although, every individual would understand his outcry towards the importance of life. Deane’s emotive language of “sadness”, “mourn” and the sibilance “shock and sorrow” however, are all appropriate in reflecting the sense of loss. Hence one can see how both Deane discusses intellectual ideas about the sanctity of life and tragedy of death effectively through artistic conventions such as inclusive language and

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