Executions Should Be Televised Essay

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“Voters should not have to rely on media account to understand what takes place when a man is put to death” (Shemtob & Lat, 2014, p. 62). This quote is from the article “Executions Should Be Televised” written by Zachary Shemtob and David Lat. The article is a valuable because it shows the need for transparency from the government by a summary and evaluation. To summarize, authors Zachary Shemtob and David Lat (2014) argue that executions in the United States should be televised. Their main argument is that executions, should be public in order to have transparency (p. 61). Since the government uses tax dollars for executions, the people should not have to rely on media outlets and read about them in the newspaper (Shemtob & Lat 2014, p.62). The authors aren’t calling for public execution rather recording them for future release. An example they used was the president push for videotaping interrogations and confessions (p.62). Thus, the most serious penalty…show more content…
One way Shemtob and Lat (2014) meet their purpose to inform is by offering real life situations to provoke emotion. One example is when an inmate in Georgia was executed, he “jerked his head, grimaced, gasped, and lurched, according to a medical expert” (p. 62). Another example is when the Atlanta Journal- Constitution reported on a different inmate. The newspaper said he showed no violent signs in death, according to Shemtob and Lat (2014, p.62). This example shows where transparency is needed because the affidavit states one report for an inmate execution, and the media portrayal is completely different (p. 62). This is one example where Shemtob and Lat (2014) meet their purpose to inform about the same event. According to them, “voters should not have to rely on media accounts to understand what takes place when a man is put to death” (p. 62). Thus, it should be televised, so people can make up their own mind about

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