Peace Day Essay

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There are many things that can only be exclusively found in Japan. And with this school trip traveling to Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Miyajima, I got to experience these. I’ve captured great, rare moments as well. (pause) However, Hiroshima was my all time favorite. Before we visited, I didn’t feel anything about Hiroshima. I’ve heard incredible stories and knew about Hiroshima’s tragedy and the atomic bomb, but I couldn’t picture it well. Nothing hit me. But deep down, underneath these beautiful sights of Hiroshima lay the pain of the atomic bomb. Hiroshima was chosen as a target due to clear weather 70 years ago for the ‘Little Boy’ bomb. Imagine yourself at 8 o’clock. Fifteen minutes later, an unexpected atomic bomb was going to be dropped. Could…show more content…
Because of the presentations done yesterday evening of poems by hibakushas and other students, I became more anxious to tour the park. Hibakushas are people who survived the atomic bomb and actually experienced it. Although they lived through that day, it’s certain that most of them have passed away by now. Of course, the monuments in the park are influential, but the entrance was just as amazing. It gave a bold, first impression. The Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park is located in Naka-ku, Central Hiroshima and was established in April 1, 1954. It is completely dedicated to the victims of the atomic bomb. The most popular symbols are the Atomic Bomb Dome, Children’s Peace Monument, and the Cenotaph. Ceremonies such as the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony- which is held to console the victims of the bomb, and the Lantern Ceremony- which is held to send spirits of victims on lanterns with messages on waters of Motoyasu River are done on August 6 as well. Right after the entrance to the park, we enter the Peace Museum. It’s quite surprising that the fees are extremely cheap for the fact that everything in the museum is rare and precious. It was designed by Kenzo Tange and established in August 1955. It was also designated as as an Important Cultural Asset of Japan in July, 2006. Grabbing the attention of 1.4 million people a year, belongings left by victims, photos, visuals of the affected, and much more are contained in this museum. People
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