Organizational Mission Statement In Healthcare

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Organizational Mission Statement Veronica Ayala National American University Dr. Robin Bolton Mar 20, 2015 HA4110D LP 1.2 Introduction Each organization in the healthcare industry must have a purpose that defines what they intend to accomplish. In any other case a healthcare facility would blindly go about their business hoping for a successful outcome. This approach would be void of any purpose or strategy intended for their success. Each organization must state their goals and objectives using a mission statement. Define Mission Statement A mission statement is the reason for an organization to exist. It is a once sentence objective that explains their reason for existing. Every organization needs a mission in order…show more content…
If a company has no purpose then they will not thrive in a competitive environment. An organization without a mission statement lacks the foundation to build a strategic framework that leads to their vision, goals and purpose. An organization without a specific purpose is destined to fail. The mission statement provides healthcare managers with a purpose and offers guidance in how they conduct business. A manager must feel that they are contributing to an organization while being aligned with the mission statement. The manager’s actions and strategies must contribute to the organizations goals while providing a sense of satisfaction when those goals are met. Describe how strategy relates to mission statement The mission statement itself can seem very broad and not encompass or state the full intent of what the healthcare organization desires to accomplish. There must be a strategic plan put into place that coincides with what the mission statement has set out to do. Strategy is integral to any mission statement since the organizations goals cannot be met with idle intent. There must be clear cut strategies put into place to meet the objectives of the mission statement. An organization can set a goal for themselves but in order to be successful they need a strategy outlining how they intend to accomplish

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