Organizational Change Case Study

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1 One of the major characteristics of modern day business is its dynamism. The environment in which a business operates is subject to constant change and the only way an organization can sustain amidst this environmental volatility is to adapt itself by making requisite changes to itself. In other words, organizations have to practice organizational change. Organizational change here very simply refers to any transformation that an organization or its members go through. Changed could be planned, unplanned, radical or transformational. Organizational change and its management have a pervasive affect and impact on all activities of an organization and this is exactly the reason for which this report is prepared. Simply speaking, the purpose…show more content…
Firstly, certain steps of the process might actually backfire. For example, openly communicating the organizations intentions and vision to change its corporate culture could create panic among various stakeholders as they could start dreading impending organizational instability. Secondly, the model is a linear one with no scope of departing from the processes or omitting any step. Such rigidity makes it an inappropriate model while trying to bring about a change in something as dynamic and flexible as an organizations…show more content…
One of the main reasons for which employee’s resist change is to protect the state of inertia within which they operate. Whenever an organization undergoes any major change employees start feeling discomfort due to apprehension and lack of knowledge about the change. One way to overcome this resistance is by persuading the employee’s that change is necessary and getting their commitment to the change. The ability to do this largely depends upon the abilities of the leader. A leader is a person who guides his followers across various hurdles and obstacles in order to facilitate the achievement of a common goal. 4.1 Leadership styles that foster employee commitment during change There are 3 major types of leadership style and the one most applicable during managing organizational change will depend upon the unique features surrounding the change. For example, in crisis situations like the Tesco scandal discussed above, a paternalistic leadership style, which is a mixture of the democratic and autocratic style, might be more capable of getting the desired employee commitment to change. Similarly, a local department store which is trying to change employee habit of tardiness could get the required commitment through an autocratic leadership style. Similarly, in situation where a company is trying to unilaterally change it’s employee pension policy leading to resistance,

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