David Jones

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Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 1. Introduction 3 2. Need for change in David Jones 3 3. Nature of change in David Jones 5 4. Change strategies for David Jones 6 5. Challenges for managers 12 6. Conclusion 13 7. Reference 14 Executive Summary David Jones has been harvesting success for many years but these are periods where they face market decline and strong competition. The company has a change in the position of CEO and various issues have been identified as the need for change. In addition, the company has been targeting various objectives, both targeting the customers in the New Economic Orders as well as forming strong competition as the multi-channeled retailer. While the new CEO of the company is being regarded as pro-active…show more content…
The reputation of David Jones was heavily affected after the sexual harassment scandal of its last CEO, McInnes. Subsequently, Zahra was promoted as new CEO of David Jones in June 2011 but the influence of scandal is still there and it damages David Jones’s reputation since then (Goksoy, Ozsoy and Vayvay, 2012). The current CEO, Zahra has tried to navigate David Jones to overcome the influence of scandal, but there are not many positive aspects from that side. In addition, the sexual harassment scandal of last CEO appears as the bad image in employees’ conception and it also changes their behaviors in working environment. The case study highlighted that the staff morale in David Jones was recorded with the low morale and performance. In addition, David Jones has to cope with challenges of loss of talented top executives due to the scandal of McInnes. Thus, the replacement of new CEO and other vacant in David Jones’s human resources requires it to conduct appropriate organizational change to reflect the correct organizational structure. Furthermore, David Jones is also emphasized with the changes in deficiency inside its organization towards its employees’…show more content…
The reason why the sense of urgency should be built is to make sure that the whole company would follow such change wholly. In addition, such establishment would provide motivation in order to make the changes happen smoothly (Kotter, 1996). There is clearly urgency that David Jones has to make change. The poor market performance would be the first reason for David Jones to make changes. Although everything is still in control, but the decrease in discretionary spending as well as the gradual drop in profit forecast have made it very important for David Jones to make change in order to adjust the current situation. In addition, Reilly (2012) from the website <www.current.com.au> have mentioned that David Jones’s current sales have gone weaker and weaker, with 1.3 per cent dropping in comparison with previous year. In addition to the decline shown in market analysis, the future opportunities would also be the reason why David Jones needs to make change. according to Honeywill, the social researcher, that David Jones “last lost its ability to tap into the psyche of” the New Economic Order (NEO), which has accounted for 54 per cent of discretionary spending as well as losing it market in online store battlefield with Nordstrom. Therefore, the change should be taken placed urgently so that David Jones could penetrate into the market of NEO as well as taking

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