One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest '

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McMurphy a Hero and a Messiah Hamza Suhail Mrs. Lakhani English Film 13 December 2015 Everywhere we look we see heroes. We see people that we can look up to, people that we strive to be. Whether it be in movies, in books or In reality there's always a hero to be seen. In the Merriam Webster dictionary the definition of a hero is "A person who is admired for great or brave acts", and as you may have seen after the analysis of the book there is one character who stood out from the very beginning "Randle McMurphy". In One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Written by Ken Kesey, McMurphy plays the part of the savior and even Jesus through his valiant efforts to free his fellow ward patients minds from Nurse Ratched's…show more content…
From the very beginning of the book it is shown very clearly who's the Queen Bee aka Nurse Ratched, but when McMurphy comes into play its like a peasant going in front of a queen but not bowing down. He's clearly disrespectful and likes to have things done his own way. All the other ward patients show qualities of cowardice and submission and McMurphy gives them the courage to stand against an incorrect concept of masculinity. " The original contribution Porter makes in his reading of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is to make explicit the way the parallel development of McMurphy from con man to hero to Messiah". This is what expert M. Gilbert Porter from John Hopkins University had to say about McMurphy. This is shown from the beginning to the very end, through every part of the book all the way to when he becomes a Messiah by dying for his…show more content…
When they come back from the fishing trip the Nurse orders them to get cleaned. When in the shower stall the black boys play around with George a patient who is known to have a phobia for cleanliness, who indefinitely begs for them not to spray him with the smelly salve. Even though it is not McMurphy's duty to say anything he defends him and ends up getting in a fight with the black boys, which then results in him getting EST. When he gets back from the therapy he tries to show the ward patients that he is unaffected by the detrimental effects it has on his brain. " He insisted it wasn’t hurting him. He wouldn’t even take his capsules but every time the loudspeaker called his name.... the muscles in his jaw went taunt and his face drained of color, looking thin and scared". That commitment right there is what defines a true hero. A person who is willing to let himself go through all the pain of EST just so he can show the men that Nurse Ratched is truly nothing. She sees all the astonishment and how he is growing bigger and bigger in the patients eyes and ultimately brings him to
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