Comparing 'The Scarlet Letter And Mama Nadi From Ruined'

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Andrew Skinner TPS November 2, 2015 11:00 a.m. Essay 1 For essay one I chose to compare Hester Prynne from The Scarlet Letter and Mami Nadi from Ruined. Hester from The Scarlet Letter is constantly making herself useful throughout the play. She uses her talents to transform her punishment and she ultimately becomes a legend in her puritan society. She is single mother in the gloomiest moments of history, but she finds ways to support her daughter in a time when women were expected to either serve men through marriage or to serve god. Mama Nadi from Ruined is known to be attractive and arrogant. Mama Nadi is loyal to the government and when the rebels arrive, she is devoted to the revolution. She has survived by being charming, accommodating,…show more content…
While waiting for him, she chose to have an affair with a puritan minister named Arthur Dimmsdale after which she gave birth to her daughter Pearl. She endures years of shame and scorn and her alienation puts her in the position to make observations about her community. Despite her loneliness, Hester finds her inner strength to defy both the townspeople and the government. Her strength is evident in her dealings with both her husband and her lover. Hester’s strength, compassion, and honesty carry her through a life she did not plan on having. She lived on quietly and becomes a legend in the colony of Boston. The scarlet letter made her what she became, and, in the end, she grew stronger and more at peace through her suffering. As for Mama Nadi she chose to be the owner of the brothel business. She is very intelligent and practical between the government of Congo and its rebels. Both rebels and government soldiers, with allowance of their leaders gang rape women and girls. Mama Nadi services both parties but in a way she tries to protect the girls, who otherwise have no place to go. She appears tough, but she is very compassionate and she has several girls who are useless as brothel workers because of injuries from rapes. Mama Nadi does a job of trying her best to take care of the women and protect and provide which makes her a more respectable

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