Olaudah Equiano Analysis

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Olaudah Equiano’s emphasis on the wrongness of slavery would have been the most convincing to a European audience for reasons based off of his belief system, the bible and his faith being basically what he followed his entire journey. He used this information to analyze why it was not fair that slaves were in fact that, slaves. He also used this information to express why slaves should be freed from these hardships. Thomas Hobbes: “Do unto others as you would want done to you.” That’s a common theme seen throughout Equiano’s journey in trying convince others, and himself, that God is against slavery. However, again and again this quote is proven not to be true or effective at all. Even Equiano questions this analysis. Towards the beginning/middle of his journey, he felt like God was against him and with the slavers. When he is sold to Mr. King, “I wept very bitterly for some time: and began to think that I must have done something to displease the Lord that thus punished me so severely.”(pg.95) Equiano also found this in the bible in the Matthew 7:12. It was known as the golden rule. This…show more content…
The answer is yes. However, was he not still owned? Knowing that he was owned by a white person who still gave him some leeway, does not make him free. He can be bought, like he was before, or he can be traded still. Who wants that? Focusing on the freedom part particularly, Equiano had to purchase his freedom. He had to get forty pounds to buy himself freedom. He had to do this by what he told his captain, “very honestly (pg.135),” which was him buying and selling for more to make profits. It is not really fair that he had to buy his way out of slavery, but he did as well as a lot of other former slaves. He realized how necessary it was for him to get his freedom after being beaten by the New World

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