Oil Dependence Analysis

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Author of “The National Security Consequences of Oil Dependency,” Ariel Cohen, P.h.D., wrote in The Heritage Foundation about the consequences of the U.S.’s reliance on foreign oil. Ariel writes that continued oil dependence will be disastrous in the United States. He also believes that the US should create a stabilized oil supply. Finally, Cohen recommends pursuing investments towards new technological advancements in order to start distancing ourselves from foreign oil. The U.S. is directly affected by the stability of global energy resources. To function efficiently, we need to stockpile oil reserves for everyone in order to prevent economic collapse. President Bush acknowledged America’s addiction to oil in 2006. However, since then,…show more content…
In all parts of the world, countries are relying on politically unstable oil supplies. A high priority for any administration is dealing with issues that may limit the development of certain oil resources. Terrorist attacks against oil facilities have caused great amounts of damage. Al-Qaeda's February 24th, 2005 attack on the Aramco facility in Saudi Arabia caused the price of oil to jump an additional two dollars per barrel. This attack is considered a failure, killing only the terrorists and two security guards, but the economical damage is clear. Radical Islamists, China, Russia, India and Europe are creating an unstable global oil supply in the Middle East. The United States must do everything in their power to protect these energy assets, while decreasing the dependency on foreign oil. Some analysts have estimated that a successful terrorist attack on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia could reduce oil production to 4 million barrels per day or…show more content…
Demand for oil around the world has skyrocketed. The slightest disruption could cause major issues around the world. The U.S. would eventually defeat Iranian attempts to close the Strait. However, Iran may pose new threats toward other Gulf shipping for periods of time, boosting Gulf shipping insurance rates, and the price of oil for the world. Washington is maintaining a strong naval presence in the region, but they will need to encourage other NATO allies to periodically go to the region. They will also need to conduct air, naval and ground exercises to demonstrate our capabilities and remove any of Iran’s threats. The U.S. should also encourage other nations to boost and create emergency oil reserves, as well as stockpile and be able to quickly repair any pipelines that may be damaged. To remove such issues, the U.S. should start to move closer to non-traditional sources. As mentioned before it takes time, therefore it is necessary to take action in ways mentioned before until the new advancements take
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