Case Report: Lower Buckeye Jail

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On 09/28/2015, at the Lower Buckeye Jail (LBJ), located at the address listed above, I was assigned to Tower 14. At approximately 1621 hours, while conducting a Security Walk in Tower 14 A-Pod I was informed by my partner Officer Goodman A9401 via radio to check on the inmates in cell 01. When I arrived at cell 01 I observed Inmate Hirmiz Booking# T213558 lying on the cell floor. At approximately, 1623 hours I made a radio call to Security Control informing them that I had a man down and needed additional officers as well as medical personnel. At approximately 1624 hours, Officer Hall B3032, Officer Norman B0245, Officer Arnaiz B1436, Officer Ceniceros B3011, and Sergeant Carden B0861 arrived on scene in order to aid in efforts in getting Inmate Hirmiz medical attention.…show more content…
Inmate Hirmiz was placed onto a stretcher and taken from Tower 14 A-Pod down to the LBJ Main Clinic. At approximately 1630 hours, Inmate Hermiz was evaluated for any injuries he may have received by RN Cabahug in the LBJ Main Clinic. Inmate Hirmiz was ordered out Maricopa Integrated Health Services (MIHS) for a possible head trauma per P.A. Schja HS101. I asked Inmate Hermiz if his injuries were the result of any criminal action against him while in MCSO custody, and he replied no. He stated he thinks he had had hit his head while jumping down from the top bunk to the ground. At approximately 1700 hours I viewed Genetec video for T14 A pod on camera C1402 but due to the angle of the camera in relation to the cell door nothing can be seen in the cell. I asked Inmate Carrizoza, Richard T213059 who was assigned to cell 01 with Inmate Hirmiz what happened. Inmate Carrizoza stated he was on his bunk and saw Inmate Hirmiz hit his head while getting off of the top bunk. Inmate Carrizoza said he pressed the cell intercom button to inform the tower officer of the medical

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