Odysseus: The Perfect Man?

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Odysseus: The Perfect Man? The Odyssey, an epic poem written by a blind poet named Homer, focuses on intelligent warrior Odysseus, who travels a ten year long journey to his home in Ithaca after fighting in the gruesome, decade long Trojan War. Odysseus faces unpredictable confrontations while trying to reunite with his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus, such as fighting a man eating cyclops. Throughout the irascible expedition home, Odysseus portrays the characteristics of confidence, intellect, and perseverance while facing the uncontrollable forces that challenge him in the incessant excursion. Despite his irrational behavior and exaggerated hubris, Odysseus exhibits the attribute of self-assurance throughout his journey home. Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, fires an arrow through twelve axes, and all of the suitors sit in shock: “Now shrugging off his rags the wiliest fighter of…show more content…
While traveling past the island of the sirens, Odysseus quickly thought of a plan to prevent his men from being lured in to their death: “Going forward / I carried wax along the line, and laid it / thick on their ears” (12.180-182). This act of intellect shows that Odysseus thoroughly thought of a way to protect his men from the sirens, since their song intentionally entices men to their death. If Odysseus would have never conjured a tactic, such as stuffing ear wax into his men’s ears, then all of his men may have died, and Odysseus may have been lured to his death too, preventing him from getting back home to Ithaca with his desperate wife Penelope and longing son Telemachus. Even though Odysseus was tied to the mast of his ship, him and his crewmates still got passed the sirens because of his intellectual plan, which definitely avoided many deaths, and maybe even his own. Furthermore, Odysseus’ judgement and reason supported the success of escaping the sirens, and therefore preventing the loss of

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