Ethical Issues In The Movie Henry's Daughters

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Marquiel Dodson University of Mississippi Oxford, United States I. INTRODUCTION The movie Henry’s Daughters cover a wide variety of ethical issues that can be experienced in and out of the work setting. Henry and his two daughters are involved in a mutual Industry named DOT (Department of Transportation). They are working on a smart highway design project called Sanshands. The goal of the project is to develop qualifications for smart highways and car control systems. Outocar is a local start-up company originated by engineers from the state university in partnership with University's Business Incubator. It came down to Laura and her team to do the cost benefits investigation between the Guidme and…show more content…
Guidme is a client of Henry and is involved in the Department of Transportation’s smart highway design competition. Sanshands is the name of this competition and the goal of this project is to develop provisions for automated highways and car mechanism methods. If this project succeeds many people will not have to drive anymore. Laura is Henry’s oldest daughter and a professional engineer. Laura works at the Department of Transportation. She is the manager in charge of the project, and responsible for collecting and mentioning the qualifications for the computer control system. Julie is Henry's youngest daughter. With the help of her father's cheating, she is an intern with Outocar. Outocar is a local start-up company recently founded by state university engineers and is competing with Guidme to take the strategy of Sanshands to the highest level possible. This family is thrilled to be involved with a project that will influence the future of…show more content…
In the end, Laura's team recommends Outocar but the concluding honor was rewarded to Guidme. Outocar employees claim that delinquency and illegal violations were committed during the project. As a result of this claim, The State Ethics Commission calls Laura and Henry in for a hearing to testify. The Code of Ethics states that, “Engineers must reject bribery in all forms” [4]. Henry violated the code of ethics when he promised to fund Bob in his campaign and also getting Jeff’s son a full ride to college. Instead of rejecting this bribery, Jeff simply violates the codes of ethics by accommodating the kickback and trying to keep Laura quiet. It may be hard to reject a full ride to college for your own son. However if Jeff had respect for the code of ethics, Jeff would have ended this whole thing by rejecting the bribe. By accepting the bribe, Jeff gave Guidme the more proficient engineers, and Outocar received the inferior ones. Another example of bribery is when Henry and his shareholders, from Guidme, sent the senator a “Thank You” in the form of a dozen checks [2]. This action is without a doubt against the code of ethics. This film focuses on some of the ethical problems facing two sisters. Laura and Julie are two sisters working on a smart highway design project. Laura is the oldest

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