Odin: The King Of God In Norse Mythology

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Norse Mythology is made up of nine different worlds and is ruled over by more than 65 gods. The king of these gods is Odin. Odin is associated with wisdom, healing, death, poetry, sorcery, and more (Einherjar, 2011). Odin holds many names including Wōdan, Óðinn, and Wōđanaz (Einherjar, 2011). Often in Germanic languages, Wednesday bears Odin’s name (Einherjar, 2011). The name “Odin” translates to mean “Master of Ecstasy” (McCoy, 2012). Odin is one of the oldest and highest ranking of all of the gods (Gaiman, 2017). Odin has been a highly recognizable figure in Norse Mythology since the beginning of time itself. Odin’s outward appearance is most closely compared to the likes of a wizard. He is most known as a wizened looking man with a tall…show more content…
This eye was sacrificed in exchange for immeasurable knowledge (McCoy, 2012). The myth says that Odin visited the Well of Urd because the well contained the knowledge of the world. When Odin arrived, he asked Mimir (the guardian of the well) if he could have a drink. Mimir proceeded to tell Odin that the price for the internal sight was his physical sight. Odin was to give up his eye in exchange for the priceless knowledge. Odin agreed to take out his own eye, thus making him one of the most recognizable figures in all of myth (Anderberg,…show more content…
In one myth, Odin was thrown out of Asgard for a decade so the gods wouldn’t be corrupted by his mischievous ways (McCoy, 2012). Odin was said to have picked up many of his habits from his time spent with the humans (McCoy, 2012). This made Odin very likeable among the outcasts and outlaws in the other worlds. This is very paradoxical with his other persona. One does not expect the god of knowledge and the god that presides over the worlds to be the god of the outlaws. Many of Odin’s followers are creative and intelligent. It is said that the only difference between the kings and outlaws is simply luck (McCoy,

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