Mangrove Deforestation Case Study

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Spatial Analysis of Mangrove Deforestation and Mangrove Rehabilitation Directive in Indramayu Regency West Java Indonesia 1Sodikin, 2 Santun Risma Pandapotan Sitorus, 3 Lilik Budi Prasetyo, 4Cecep Kusmana 1 Study Program of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor 16680 Indonesia; 2Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor 16680, Indonesia; 3Departmentt of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor 16680; 4 Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Bogor 16680, Indonesia. Corresponding author: Sodikin, Abstract. This study was conducted to analyze spatial mangrove…show more content…
The area of 17,782 ha of forest, 50% of them were classified as severely damaged. Therefore, most of Indramayu coastal areas were exposed to abrasion with a speed of 9-10 m per year. Around 8,233 ha areas covering in 8 districts were categorized as critical. This is in line with study from Onrizal (2002) presented that at the district level, potentially mangrove within the forest area classified as heavily damaged is located in Indramayu Regency. Coastal rehabilitation activities by mangrove planting have been started since the nineties. Data on mangrove planting from Ministry of Forestry from 1999 to 2003 have been realized for 7,890 ha, but the success rate was still very low. This data showed that mangrove forest rehabilitation rate was about 1,973 ha/year. In addition, the community was not fully involved in mangrove rehabilitation efforts; moreover there was tendency of plant disturbance by community through different

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