OECD: Waste Management Policy

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4) OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Waste Management Policy In the year 1992, the OECD Council adopted a legally binding decision to set up a comprehensive regime for managing the trade in recoverable wastes which is valued at 20 billion sterling pounds a year. The OECD’s work in the field of waste management is extensive. In 1976, the OECD outlined a comprehensive waste management policy, which advocated an integrated and holistic approach to the problem. It emphasized the importance of both the reduction of wastes at the source and the promotion of re-cycling or reuse of wastes. Subsequently in 984, the Council adopted a decision and recommendation that addressed the issue of movement of hazardous wastes. It…show more content…
As a consequence, the OECD later concentrated on the issue of trans-frontier traffic in recyclable waste and in 1992 elaborated a Council decision concerning the control of trans-frontier movements of wastes destined for recovery operations. The decision governs the trans-frontier movements of recyclable wastes exclusively among OECD Member States, encompassing both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes. The 1992 Decision establishes a “three tier system”, in accordance with their nature and hazard potential. Wastes are allocated to one of three lists to which different levels of control apply. The Decision establishes a procedure and a set of criteria to be used in the allocation of a waste, to one of these…show more content…
Furthermore, in accordance with the principle of proximity and the aim of achieving self-sufficiency in waste disposal in the European Union ( and as far as possible within each Member State), Member States are required to establish in co-operation with each other as appropriate, a network of authorised waste disposal installations. This network must guarantee the disposal of each type of waste in the nearest appropriate disposal facility, to be determined on the basis of high environmental and human health standards. The nearest facility need not be located within the national boundaries of the generating State. Transfrontier transport of wastes to neighbouring States will therefore not necessarily be reduced. The disposal network should, however, lead to a minimisation of long distance transport of

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