Descriptive Essay On Central London

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Tour in Central London Central London is the home to innumerable activities, events and happenings and the listings below will help you make the perfect itinerary of what are your 10 best things you planned to do. The center of the town has many things to offer if you have the time then London has some best Parks or if you are inclined to artistic tastes then seek refuge in the top museums and there are wide range of the best restaurants which serves all kinds of cuisines. When you are in the central London you are definitely at the right place. There are a wide range of activities which you can indulge in like the following: The Royal Opera House: The guided tour that is The Velvet, Gilt and Glamour Tour of this legendary place that had once housed some of the great operas by the great artists speaks of the legends. When you step backstage and behind the scenes that is the time when you relish the grandeur of this place, many a times you can also witness the Royal Ballet in class if you are lucky. The building’s architecture is something to hold your breath and admire the beauty which stood here for centuries.…show more content…
There are guided tours on certain routes and also the central London gets covered in one of these tours. On one of the occasion our friends who stayed at Grand Park London and at some other time at Park Grand London Hyde Park Hotel were given gift vouchers of a couple entry to this bicycle tour, where in my friend and his wife could enjoy a one day tour through the streets of Central London. They have to offer different kinds of bikes ranging from mountain, hybrid, sit-up and even tandem bikes on hourly, daily and even weekly basis and the rates were cheaper as the rental days got extended. This unique experience is a must to all the bicycle

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