Nigerian Imperialism

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In the 1800’s Europe had gained a substantial amount of power, however Europeans sought to further expand their influence in the world. In order to do this the British resorted to imperialism; the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries. Great Britain, a renowned global super power, had established their presence throughout the world including Nigeria. Britain’s motives consisted of their desire to spread their religion, to gain power, and to gain natural resources such as other humans to enslave. However, in 1807 Britain ratified the Slave Trade Act 1807, which banned slavery in Britain thus also losing their largest natural resource in Nigeria. The Nigerians palm oil trade would soon catch the attention of the British’s greedy eyes. The British were able to control the Nigerians with their military, the lack of tolerance between the Nigerians, and through the Nigerian’s inferior technology. Great Britain’s…show more content…
The Nigerians lack of tolerance toward each other is illustrated by Event: A: The Slave Trade “however, many Nigerian ethnic groups, especially along the coast, competed with one another” which allowed them to be easily divided. The Nigerians were up at each other’s throats seeking any way to gain an advantage over their rivals rather than to join forces and rid the British from their land. The Nigerians were blinded by their longing for dominance over other Nigerian societies which would inevitability be their downfall. “but what of our own people who are following their way and have been given power” illustrates the Nigerians contention. This shows that the Nigerian citizens would question their leader’s oppression against the British which illustrates a lack of loyalty and unification. The Nigerians lack of unity was their weakness and the British took full advantage of this factor which allowed them to control
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