European Imperialism In Asia And Africa

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European empires in Asia and Africa often differed with those in the New World. Factors contributing towards this include wants, resources, and treatment. However, these areas all suffered great losses to their culture and life. The wants and resources that Europe had a need for led to countless deaths of the people of Asia, Africa, and The New World. The treatment of people in order to provide more probability led to senseless deaths. In the nineteenth century, European expansion and colonization was becoming a priority. In Asia and Africa, the benefits were endless. However, these benefits often had horrible effects on the natives of the areas. Reasons for the continued expansion were due to the soil that sugarcane thrived in, as the Mediterranean…show more content…
In the 1400’s, Christopher Columbus discovered the New World. He arrived in what he believed was Japan in the first European conquest for the New World. He successfully created a colony that thrived. As was seen with Asia and Africa, diseases plagued the inhabitants. Europeans used their developed technology such as the firearm and were successful in reigning control over the Native Americans.2 It was the first time for the natives to be around people of Europe, and as a result, the diseases that were brought over proved deadly to them. In addition, Columbus set up inhumane rules such as persons under the age of fourteen must find a set amount of gold each period, or they would have their hands cut off. This usually resulted in deaths, which prescribed no purpose other than fear. Natives worked as slaves; in addition, more slaves from Africa were enslaved in Asia. Europe forced them to mine for their profit. Unsafe work conditions combined with the spread of disease resulted in countless deaths, and decrease in work output.3 In the end, the colonization proved financially stable for England as it provided a steady trade hub and supply of minerals. The results of the diseases that spread and the treatment of natives had long-term effects, but England was still able to profit from the newly found land. Had the rulers instituted governing rules that stopped the spread of disease, the natives would have lived longer ultimately resulting in more work output and profit of

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