Nhs Operations Management

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Introduction The Report described below discusses the strategic quality and systems management. NHS has been selected as an organization which is leading service provider in Health Care sector of UK. In this document, the significance of the quality management and operational management is described in detail. This document elaborates ideas for strategic quality change and also describes the execution process of the idea. 1. Understand the role of operations management in an organisation 1.1 Explain the importance of effective operations management in achieving organisational objectives NHS has its own plans to meet the organizational goals through effective operation management which is quite necessary for any organization to meet its goals.…show more content…
That’s why NHS requires an efficient operation management procedure which includes IT infrastructure. To sustain the operation process of the organization, NHS has a supply chain and through this chain it controls the structures of the organization. The company representative should be able to provide an accurate detail about other health service providers and other info on demand of clients. NHS has an efficient operation management system which enables it to store, analyses and provide accurate data to its clients. The efficient operation management system also helps the employees of the organization in producing effective outcome of their efforts. 1.2. Evaluate the success of existing operations management processes in meeting an organization’s overall strategic management objectives NHS Organizational Goals are listed below: • Provision of quality service to the clients and retain the client…show more content…
NHS uses variety of approaches to keep up the quality management. To maintain the quality service NHS always ensures a check system to gauge the customers’ requirements and offers the services with quality. The complaints of poor service by the nurses were considered seriously and the company resolved it through training programs for nurses to ensure the quality of the service. To uphold the competitive advantage an organization has to ensure the provision of products and services with quality to the customers. Quality of hospital and how employees of the organization handle the patients also has an impact on the quality and to uphold the competitive advantage of the NHS. To retain the brand image an organization has to keep an effective quality management like NHS has implemented an IT infrastructure to maintain the quality and swift service to the clients. Quality service and competitive advantage can be ensured through this. NHS uses an appraisal system to evaluate the employee performance which ropes the provision of quality service and eventually maintains the organization brand image. The gained brand image also impacts on the competitive advantage too. The appraisal system can increase the motivation level of the employees as well as their satisfaction level at
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