Newborn Changes In Child Development

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Newborn changes or reactions of the birth of a child towards the newborn can vary in different ways according to quality of his or her prenatal existence and the way in which optimal development has been achieved such the labor and delivery experience, the nature of his or her parents responds to them and the baby’s personality and temperament. However, as the newborn progress, he or she will grow to the rhythm of the mother’s heartbeat and this is the most important sensory cues during prenatal process development. Also, the sound of the mother’s voice as well as the flow of her daily activities; such as rest, sleep, work and play. Moreover, after the child birth, the newborn will now have to adjust to breathing on his or her own, play…show more content…
As a child grows in his or her first two years, their shape, senses and body organs changes. Physical Development all newborns share a progress and development as they ages from newborns into young children. Although babies learn how to control their movements and body muscles. Motor control will help, develop from the head, moves down through the arms and the trunk and then to the legs and feet. These developments will continue to improve as a newborn reaches their first half birthday. Therefore at age three months infant start to kick their legs when on their back or belly and immediately grasps for toys close by. Once the baby reaches his or her first birthday, their motor skills will continue to develop and can explore the world around them. He or she will begin to sit without support and start to stand with support after seven months as well as starting to crawl using walking with assistance just about nine months. Also at the age of twelve months most average babies will be able to take a few steps on their own. Therefore playing movements such as throwing balls, running, climbing stairs will most likely to occur around eighteen

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