Net Neutrality

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When it comes to the topic of net neutrality most of us will readily agree that net neutrality is a positive system that should be passed due to it being an open Internet system that allows great quality. Net working prices do not affect the users. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of why is net neutrality a bad thing? When it comes to the FCC who are trying to inflict control of companies by permitting them to charge higher fees when accessing faster. Whereas some are convinced that, when it comes to net neutrality the system would come at a affordable price which means internet will maintain a well speed and websites will not have a chance to be clocked by their providers. Others maintain that this system does…show more content…
Josh Steimle the founder and CEO of MWI a lead generation digital man, who presumes in his knowledge of net neutrality being an inadequate system to have, yet may not be 100% against it. In his article Am I the only techie against net neutrality he goes on to making his statement “ I’m skeptical of large corporations generally and dislike the fact that in this debate I appear to be on their side. While I have no problem with net neutrality as a principle or concept, I have serious concern about net neutrality as legislation or public policy. And since a false dichotomy is being perpetuated by the media in regards to this matter, I feel an obligation to put forth a third point of view. In taking this stand, I realize I may be the only techie, if I can aspire to that label, opposed to net neutrality and that I open myself to accusations of killing the dreams of young entrepreneurs wrecking free speech and destroying the internet” (1). In other words, what Mr. Steimle is expressing on how net neutrality would be convenient for individuals who have the freedom to speak their mind, but there would be no need for it to be legal…show more content…
However, service companies see this a threat due to net neutrality protecting certain areas so that individuals shouldn’t spend so much. Net neutrality has an affect on several different things like online phone services, emails and other things such as gaming applications. It is all based on competition, whether it goes good or goes bad. What I mean by that is the way companies want their customers to keep paying for their Internet services without their customers switching to different companies or if they are having problems they will still charge more. To basically create that “ you get what you pay for”, although some customers pay to have excellent service and yet that doesn’t always exists so what then now, net neutrality is what keeps companies from having to do this to customers. In all reality these high fees is what makes it difficult for customers with paying to high, companies see this as an opportunity to make more
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