Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

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Following the recent passage of new rules by the FCC regarding net neutrality, there is still much debate by both sides on the net neutrality decision. Net neutrality, once a concept unknown to most, is now a commonly talked about subject. Net neutrality is the belief that Internet service providers (ISPs) and governments should treat all data on the Internet the same. This means that providers cannot slow down a connection or block access to a service just because they don’t approve of how it’s used. For example, in 2008 Comcast was wrongly blocking BitTorrent traffic on their network until the FCC ruled that Comcast did not have the right to do this. While some may find net neutrality controversial, it is necessary legislation that we must…show more content…
According to Nagesh, “A central element would be a ban on broadband providers blocking, slowing down, or speeding up specific websites in exchange for payment”. For the consumer, this means that the websites that they use would not be subject to an Internet service provider preventing access, slowing down access, or speeding up access just because that website did or did not pay the Internet service provider for special treatment. President Barack Obama called for Mr. Wheeler, the chairman of the FCC, to regulate Internet service providers in the same way as telephone companies (Nagesh). These regulations would greatly impact the Internet in a positive way. The regulations would protect the consumer by not allowing Internet service providers to make decisions about what websites they can and can’t see. It would be a violation of these rules for AT&T to block access to Verizon’s website and they could be legally responsible for damages resulting from blocking a competitor’s site. Without these rules, Internet service providers would be free to do what they wanted with the Internet and that would negatively impact

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