The Great Gatsby Book Analysis

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Learning about the roaring ‘20s is never complete without reading F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. The book truly explores the essence of the jazz age; from the people to the extravagant parties. Flappers, jazz music, and alcohol are the base of the roaring ‘20s. The Great Gatsby is no exception; the book really hits upon the lives of the rich and lying. The book is told from the narration of Nick Carraway. Nick was curious about the mysterious Jay Gatsby. Daisy Buchanan, Nick’s cousin, has a history with Gatsby. Learning about their past together is what truly sent this story into a tailspin. Two of the main themes are the decline of the American dream in the 1920s and money does not make you different from those with less. F. Scott…show more content…
Nick Carraway is the very first person we meet in The Great Gatsby, movie and book. Tom, Gatsby, Jordan, and Daisy all share these secrets about others and themselves with him; without even a second thought. He is twenty-nine when the story he is narrating begins; right after attending Yale and fighting in World War I, he travels to New York to learn the bond business. Nick is not as rich as Gatsby, Jordan, or the Buchanan’s; however, this does not stop them from including him and them trusting him. Nick does set up a meeting between Gatsby and Daisy, despite Daisy being married. He even is considerate of when the timing would best suit Gatsby (Fitzgerald 87). His actions show that he is loyal to his friends and thought he was doing something good for each of…show more content…
Everyone has their faults, much like Nick setting up tea for Gatsby and Daisy. Nick is also a victim of being completely immersed into the jazz age at times, the wild parties and getting overly intoxicated. Carraway shows his loyalty and trustworthiness throughout every part of the book. He wanted to be a writer, all writers have the gift of living a life outside of their own, living through someone else. Carraway is a wallflower so he can study those around him, experience a life that is not his own. Everyone has done this at least once in their life, maybe out of curiosity or maybe wanted to understand those around them better. Nick is the type to want to understand those around him. His life was not like Gatsby’s, Daisy’s, or Tom’s. Nick believed in the end that people like Tom and Daisy just waited for others to clean up their messes (Fitzgerald 187-188). He refused to let this ruin who he was, this showed a sense of maturity appearing within himself. In the movie it is heavily hit upon that the life of the rich was not meant for Nick Carraway; however, this never slowed him down, not one single bit. The end showed that the life of the rich was not meant for a guy like Nick in the 1920s, someone who believed in being honest,
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