Native American Geographic Factors

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Standards Native American Regions 1. RI GSEs HP 4 (5-6)-1: Students demonstrate an understanding that geographic factors and shared past events affect human interactions and changes in civilizations by… a. Identifying and explaining, using specific examples, how geographic factors shape the way humans organize themselves in communities, government, and businesses. • This standard will be met as students evaluate the three different Native American regions that we will be focusing on (Desert Southwest, Eastern Woodland, and Great Plains) in our lessons. We will ask the students to think about how different geographic factors could have affected the tribes. We will also be having the students think about how the different factors in each region…show more content…
The students will be analyzing and labeling a map to distinguish between the different Native American regions on a map. They will also develop a geographical understanding of where different Native American tribes lived by labeling a map with the name of a tribe that originates from that specific region. This map will be used as a tool for students to reference during various lessons and help deepen their understandings of geographic representations. They will be presented with new information regarding the different regions that they studied on their maps. The maps will help students to recognize the relationship between geographic representations and various aspects of Native American…show more content…
NCSS 3- This theme helps learners to develop their spatial views and perspectives of the world, and to understand the relationships between people, places, and environment. Learners examine where people, places, and resources are located, why they are there, and why this matters. They explore the effects of the environment on human activities, and the impact of these activities on the environment. This area of study is crucial to informed civic decision-making about human-environmental relationships. • This standard will be met while students are examining the three different regions and the tribe within each region. They will develop an understanding about how the environments within the regions provide the resources to Native Americans to conduct their daily activities. They will be learning about various aspects of the tribe’s life including: food collection, creating clothing, developing transportation systems, structuring government, and roles of men and women. Each of these aspects of life is affected by the regions environments and resources in some way. Student will understand that adapting to the environment of the region was vital to the tribes their survival. The tribes needed to learn how to use the resources available to them to their advantage. They developed creative ways to use their resources, and developed techniques that made things like planting crops and transportation possible, regardless of their region. Students will be able

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