Narrative Experience In My Life

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I was only 23 years old and I was a Supervisor for the lifeguards at Tarza Water Park. My girlfriend Rosie was 21 years old and she was also working at Tarza as an Administrative Assistant. We started dating in January of 1998 after our co-workers set us up on a date. Since then after work we would go out to one of the many bars in Tumon with our co-workers and party the night away. This was our daily routine since we had no kids or curfew to worry about. We were young adults working in the heart of Tumon which was the party capital of Guam. So on January 3rd of 2001, my life was changed forever by one phone call from Rosie. It was Wednesday night and I was still feeling beat up from the back to back partying I did on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. My cousin and I had an apartment at the time so I was enjoying the peace and quiet of our bachelor pad. I was sitting in my living room watching “The Perfect Storm” on VHS…show more content…
Even though I wanted to comfort her I kept my mouth shut so she could free her thoughts that she had been hiding from me since November. I listened as she asked me how she was going to tell her parents that she was pregnant and not married. She told me she was not ready to have a baby on her own and that her parents were most likely going to kick her out of their house. I listened to her as she told me that she didn’t want to hold me down and that if I decided to leave her she would not hate me. All these things that she was saying were thoughts that had built up over the past two months. I finally knew why she had not been drinking and she was constantly in a bad mood. She had no idea how I really felt about her and that’s what was tearing her up. Although I never imagined us being separated I never expressed my feelings to her. I finally interrupted her and asked her to stay calm until I could pick her up so we could

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