Narcissistic Personality Disorder Paper

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Abstract Narcissistic personality disorder is a long-term pattern of abnormal thinking, and behavior. Normal interaction with a narcissist can be difficult and confusing for others. This paper will allow you to identify the signs and symptoms of this disorder, and what interventions or medications to help these individuals, plus the best time to get them to a doctor. *Keywords: Mental Disorder, Signs, Symptoms, Interventions, Medications Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity, an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others. People with this disorder often believe they are of primary importance in everybody’s life or to anyone they meet.…show more content…
As a result they expect he world to change for them as they live in this self invented grandiose world. They live in a false self-invented form of perfect power, however, most of these stories they tell come from movies or T.V. shows that they have seen. As Freud put it, narcissists people act like they are in love with themselves (Psych Central, 2014). They see themselves being adored, and seeing anyone else adoring them. Authoritarian in nature, Narcissists put themselves next to or as close to authority figures as possible. They believe they are equals to the authority figure by using that person’s strength and power to feed their obsession. (Kluger, 2014). Once they are around the authority figure they feel that they can do no wrong, which makes them stand with their arms folded looking like they are right in any…show more content…
The researchers do have a couple of theories such as, a biological and genetic factors, social factors, and psychological factors. This suggests that no single factor is responsible; it is more on the complex nature of all three that make up this disorder (Psych Central, 2014). This disorder makes the person think they are more important than other people; they need to be the center of attention and to be admired by others. They need to be in control of the people and events that are part of their lives. Most researchers believe this disorder triggered in the persons life by an unsecure relationship with the persons parents, or the genetics or psychobiology is the reason for this disorder (Seltzer,
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