Napoleon Total War

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Carl Von Clausewitz states, “War is an act of force, and there is no logical limit to the application of that force. Each side, therefore compels its opponent to follow suit; a reciprocal action is started which must lead, in theory, to extremes.” An idea planted resolutely in the mind of one man is a powerful force. Once an idea takes root, is properly cultivated and then allowed to flourish and grow can alter the landscape of nations. Such is the case in with regards to total war. Ideological reasons are considerations that lead society to wage total war as illustrated by the Napoleonic Wars and World War I. The Napoleonic wars offer one illustration of how ideological reasons are considerations that lead society to wage total war.…show more content…
The French government had worked to bolster their military with volunteers, which served in the militia. In addition, new conscription laws that passed by the French government in the late 1700s allowed for a total force of over two million men less than twenty years later. Additionally, the revolution called upon men, women, children, and the elderly to do their part to support the French revolution. Because Napoleon had the ability to raise such a large army and had the weight of the nation behind him, he could practice greater belligerence towards an enemy he faced or contemplated moving against at that time. Additionally, this allowed Napoleon to fight wars at a greater tempo than the other armies of the period…show more content…
The view held that the more intertwined society and industry became, the greater the opportunity for one to suppress and exercise total domination over the enemy. Defeating the enemy was no longer the goal but rather complete subjugation and establishment of enemy rule. It was during this period that ideas regarding racial purity began to form. In the early years of the war, German leadership introduced the Hindenburg Program in response to German industries failing to meet the production capacity for equipment and munitions. This ideology promoted the concept of mobilizing society to meet the industrial requirements of the war effort. Because of this plan, German industry was able to meet the requirement of equipping the German Army with the necessary armaments of war and resulted in a peak in production in 1917. It was also during this time that the concept of military leadership had changed. Rather than centering on the historical concepts of military leadership, the focus was rather upon the control and supervision of weapons. In previous wars, the ability to exercise control over soldiers was critical however, the introduction of new weapons changed the strategy practiced in warfare. As a result, strategy shifted more from managing soldiers to managing these new machines of
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