Willfully Blind: A Critique of the RCMP Report on Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women Introduction Racial discrimination exists in Canada and is deeply entrenched in our history since contact. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) report, “Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women: A National Operational Overview” (2014), does not provide justifiable reasons and/or contributing factors for the deplorably high number of missing and murdered Aboriginal women, because it does not address the underlying
societal issue that affects Canadians and Canada at large in political, social and economic areas. As violence against women act as a blockade for progress in these areas hence why these issues must be a priority and evaluated not only by members of Congress but
Corruption rate is very low- Ranked 14th in 2011. - Strong Economic - Strong financial in Europe - Have the best transportation and infrastructure system - High standard of workforce with a qualified expertise, knowledge and skills Weakness - Germany has a declining birth rate - The population is too low to support a social welfare economic system which can result in labour shortage during the long run. - Too traditional (too many rules, too strict, work oriented, doesn’t like change) - Labour
Parole serves a number of functions in the criminal justice system. The offender eligibility and conditions for parole in Zambia are contained in the Prisons (Amendment) Act and the Parole Rules. It is also important to distinguish parole from probation, suspended sentence and presidential pardon. After critically analysing parole in Zambia, the next chapter will evaluate the efficacy of parole in the Zambian criminal justice system. The aims of the following chapter will be achieved by analysing