My Military Experience

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Having a parent in the military is probably the most challenging experience I have had to face. One might ask why is this such a challenging experience, well, my life has constantly been changing since I was two year old just because of three words. “I’m being deployed.” These words are so life altering its overwhelming. Being a military kid, I heard that phrase many times growing up and honestly it felt as if a wave of emotion had hit and my whole world was being turned upside down. Being deployed is not just a short trip overseas, its months maybe even more than a year of being gone. It has definitely been a challenging road with my dad constantly traveling and being deployed. Throughout the five times my dad has been deployed, his last…show more content…
Of course I worried about my dad facing dangerous and life threatening missions, but I decided not to think too much about my dad being in harm's way for unknown amounts of time. A few months later, it was Christmas time and it was just my mom and I which was very difficult. Holidays are already hard because all of our relatives live out of state. Most of the time we travel for the holidays to see the relatives but it was such short notice that making arrangements with our relatives was out of the question. Shockingly, my mom booked a flight for the two of us to fly to the Dominican Republic and spend the holidays there. My first thought was my mom was crazy, but then I remember what she had taught me earlier in the year. I needed to be optimistic and not live in fear and sadness. Missing first day of school, dances, award ceremonies, and sports games are just a few of the important events that my dad was unable to attend. No matter the discouragement or disappointment I may have felt during these hard times, I have been able to hold my head up high and face the day head on. My mom taught me, “no matter how challenging life may get there is always someone who is in a worse situation.” Using this philosophy, I was able to fly through junior year and I know for sure I grew as a person and I
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