Sebastian Junger's TED Talk: One On The Military

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I found this TED talk video by searching topics I thought I could relate to such as this one on the military. In more detail it is about how veterans cope with coming home from combat operations and how they miss it when they are back in civilian life. I chose this topic because I recently just returned home from a tour in Afghanistan and now with me back in the civilian lifestyle I honestly can say I miss it. The speaker Sebastian Junger tells of his experience and describes to us in a way that we can relate to that of the military and people in a combat zone. The reason for the talk is to help people understand that of what military officials or others mean when they say they miss deployments for example. They are not crazy they miss…show more content…
In their minds as in reality it is a miserable place to be with no civilian life luxuries such as comfortable beds or things like running water or anything in that nature. Besides this, there is something about war that is so compelling that even peace loving people or anyone unaffiliated with combat in any way will pay to go watch a war movie and find a sense of passion or something they like about it (Junger). The key things people do not understand are that of the brotherhoods or family bonds created as I stated earlier. In depth to this it is not just a friendship or best friend type of connection whereas the more you like the person the more you will trust them but it is more than that. You are putting each other’s lives in front of your own and not because you have a death wish but because you have a mutual agreement to one another even if you do not like the person. The speaker explains this through his own experience and his deployment to the southern region of Afghanistan called by are military forces “Restrepo”. He goes in great detail of his tour there and the encounter he has with his other military brothers or personnel. With this he also backs up any other information on his topics with

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