Vitamin D Effects On Autism

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There is a growing research that suggests that vitamin D, either in utero or early in life may be a risk of autism. Autism is considered an autoimmune disease and appears to have important risk factors in utero as indicated by a highly increased frequency of congenital malformations. Several hypotheses have been proposed and tested to explain the association between vitamin D status of mother and/or autistic child. “Vitamin D deficiency during development may contribute to risk of autism” (Neggers 9). Other means which may explain the effect of vitamin D on autism symptoms are, that vitamin D may reduce the severity of autism through its anti-inflammatory activities, increasing T-regulatory cells and anti-autoimmune effects. Another emerging…show more content…
Preschoolers who are exposed to high levels of lead, have a higher risk of developing ADHD. Researchers are studying many environmental factors such as family medical conditions, parental age and other demographic factors, exposure to toxins, and complications during birth or pregnancy. It's likely that more than one environmental factor is involved in increasing risk for ASD. Most people who have been exposed to environmental risk factors do not develop ASD. Scientists are studying how certain environmental factors may affect certain genes, seemingly turning them on or off, or increasing or decreasing their normal activity. The process is called…show more content…
A number of industrialized countries have had a significant increase in the diagnosed cases of the two disorders. The increase in the consumption of poultry is associated with very vigorous growth in productivity over the years. “The second half of the 20th century witnessed the introduction of factory farming in poultry, which was followed by the introduction of feed additives containing ingredients stimulating muscle mass growth (e.g. hormonal elements), antibiotics for preventing infections inevitable in conditions of factory farming, and intensive genetic selection aimed at improving production value”(Pisula 488). This process is joined with extensive misconduct on the part of producers generating a host of ethical issues as well as environmental and health risk factors. The massive contamination of meat produced for consumption by therapeutic or growth-promoting antibiotics, growth hormones and other elements, including toxins creates a serious risk to human

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