Most Transformative Learning Analysis

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Education can easily be described as an institution, generally a school or university, where students acquire new knowledge and skills for a variety of academic subjects in a systematic way. School systems put a high importance on achieving straight A’s on a report card, being a leader in clubs, and being a captain on athletic teams. Society then values the importance of an education in the form of a degree that paves a student’s path to find a decent paying job in a selected industry. However, after twelve years of education, I can honestly say that some of the most transformative learning experiences that I had were not sitting inside of a classroom. Our education system consists of listening to lectures, watching PowerPoints, and reading…show more content…
However, for better results teachers should be actually working with and alongside the students to ensure they know how to apply these concepts and ideas. I believe that the best and most transformative lessons occur outside of the classroom through self-sought interactive activities that pertain to our personal interests or passions. These experiences provide relevance of the newly attained concepts to the real world and should leave students with the abilities to reevaluate their perspective, to analyze, and to question. They should lead to a desire of finding new ways of uniquely applying the knowledge in every situation. In July 2014, I attended a one week filmmaking camp with the New York Film Academy in Disney’s Hollywood Studios where I wrote, directed, and edited my own silent short film while also working on the crew of other participants’ projects. At first, the only reason that I signed up for this camp was I thought that filmmaking seemed interesting and the…show more content…
The interactive and positive atmosphere left me with lessons that would not be possible in a classroom where I would most likely end up only reading a book on the aspects of filmmaking. For example, the hands-on camera work taught me about the different angles and shots that will present the audience with an intended feeling or emotion that connects them to the main character. The common expression of “time is money” now has a new meaning to me since I realize the importance of having a plan of where the cameras should be positioned, ensuring the actors know what the scene is about and how the character they are playing should feel and appear, and estimating how long each shot should take to shoot. The hard lesson of flexibility tested my patience, stubbornness, and perfectionism as I slowly learned that anything on a film set can go wrong at any time, such as when it begins to rain outside and everything that had already been filmed took place on a sunny day. At that moment, I grew frustrated and wanted to throw in the towel until the crew I was working with came together and we created a new twist that the story could that would keep the audience intrigued and give the film an ending that still made sense. All of these lessons have and will continue to better me throughout my career since I experienced them first hand and was forced to learn

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