Money Laundering Case Study Solution

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ANALYSIS Money Laundering has been the most worst economical and financial crime which is leaving to stand negative impacts on the fiscal position of the countries. It’s essentially the unlawful and unlawful move of money to ones mother country. The Money transferred has no record and is with no trouble used for criminal activities. Now days our country is facing the problem and lots of our resources are tired here for this regard. QUESTION NO 01 What is Money laundering? 71 % of the people may inquire term Money Laundering as the illegal transfer of Money from one lay to other. 21 % of the people believe it just to lay the Govt. at the Back and take on contact While 08 % people of Money Laundering as a way to put aside Taxes. QUESTION…show more content…
Legislations 13 % were unaware of the case that there be any kind of legislations and 26 % have no opinion QUESTION NO 10 Is that strictly followed and obeyed? 16 % believe that the rules and Laws formulated are Followed and obeyed, where as 75 % reproduce and answers the NO, 09 % have no opinion FINDINGS • Money laundering is the procedure by which big amounts of illegally obtained money (from drug trafficking, terrorist activity or other solemn crimes) is given the appearance of having originated from a legitimate source. • Money laundering is the process by which large amounts of money transfers from one location to another lacking the participation of Govt. Institutions. • Money laundering is the procedure by which large amounts of money is transferred in a way to save the practical Taxes and duties. • Hawala/Hundi., carrier Investment Schemes, Investment and Speculation in Real Estate, spending on Luxury Goods Over/Under Invoicing of Imports and Exports, Bogus Imports/export, Loan Bank Methods, Prize Bond Racketeering, Smuggling of Currency, Money Shown as Proceeds of Agriculture or Poultry. All are the different gear and techniques of Money

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